How to Help
SSRC relies on donations to make riding accessible and affordable to all families, regardless of their income level. We also require financial assistance to allow us to rescue, rehabilitate, and adopt out rescued horses. Every amount helps! To speak with us about our current financial needs, please call (520) 415-5800 ex.0.
To make a tax-deductible donation today, please click below. Or, mail a check to: Steady Strides Riding Center | 8987 E Tanque Verde Rd, Ste 309-389 | Tucson, AZ 85749. Thank you for your support!
Volunteers are integral to SSRC. We rely on volunteers for barn work, horse care, lesson assistance, facilities maintenance, special events, fundraising, administrative work, and more. If you’re interested in volunteering for our organization, please call (520) 415-5800 ex.1 or email for more information and to request our volunteer application.
In Kind Donations
In addition to financial and volunteer assistance, SSRC appreciates new or gently used In Kind Donations. Our current wish list includes:
Everyday Needs
Clorox Wipes
Toilet Paper
Paper Towels
Fly Spray
Fly Masks
Hoof Conditioner
Sand Clear
White Salt Blocks
Vet Wrap
Coconut Oil
Pro Elite Grass Advantage
Pro Elite Omega Advantage
Nutrina Safe Choice Senior Wet
Rainbow Reins
French Link Bits (all sizes, preferably eggbutt or d-ring)
Halters and Leadropes
Wintec Saddles (both English and Western)
Stall Mats
Big Ticket Items
Half-Ton (or more) Truck
John Deere Gator or ATV
Fencing Services or 16’ 3-Rail Panels
Jump Standards and Poles